Nickel Coloured Double Headed design Rivet. A Head diameter 9 mm, The leg is 7 mm tall.
Highly decorative, minimalist stud, the queen of eye-catching fastenings.
A little anatomy of the stud, that is, the parts of the stud:
Stud head - this is the smaller part, perforated from the inside.
Stud foot - this is the long part with the foot.
The stud foot is the stronger, more durable part of the stud; this is the part that will definitely not deform during striking. It is practical to insert the stud foot from the right side of the workpiece.
To strike this flat stud, two completely flat surfaces are required.
If you have a so-called steel striking anvil, you can strike flat studs on its smooth side, and double-headed studs on the side with convex indentations.